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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the main difference between the SAT and ACT?
The SAT covers critical reading, math, and grammar. This is the trickier of the two tests. However it does favor the more methodical student. The ACT favors the more visual and naturally quicker-minded students. It covers grammar, math (with trigonometry), reading, and science. Most students take both tests because most colleges take either and it also increases your opportunities excelling at either one.
What is the new Digital SAT?
As of fall 2022, the College Board added a new option for a digital version of the SAT exam. The goal of administering the test digitally is to allow for more flexible scheduling and faster score reporting. While it’s currently available at international test centers, it will be available in the U.S. in spring 2024. Rest assured, SAT Preparation Group is ready to tackle the Digital SAT head on!
You can read a full detailed summary of the new digital SAT exam by Deepak Murugaian here.
See the College Board’s official Digital SAT FAQ here.
Which test should I take: the SAT or ACT?
We prefer to start our students with the SAT because it is a richer, more robust test that requires extreme attention to detail. Once a student masters this, he/she can then carry this skill over to the ACT. In the end, most of our students take both tests and carry on with the one they are stronger at. The SAT is for students who are more analytical and prefer an in-depth approach to problem solving and the ACT is for students who like to solve problems at a fast pace and do not get discouraged by being under time pressure.
When is the best time to start taking the SAT or ACT?
The best time to begin SAT or ACT preparation is at the very beginning of Junior year. Based on our experience, the math and grammar sections of the SAT have a minimal correlation with what is covered in school. The SAT and ACT test writers have created their own language that requires students to be able to understand the patterns and concepts which are not typically covered in Math and English classes. Waiting until the Spring to take the first test and not doing well on it, may lead to end of year Junior panic attacks and/or stress with time running out. Students are the most burned-out and sleep deprived by Spring because of AP and final exams, last minute projects, which makes Spring not an ideal time to begin SAT prep.
What courses should I take in school before I take the SAT or ACT?
We suggest a number of different courses to take before you take your final SAT or ACT to know you are ready. Ideally you should have Algebra 1 and Geometry out of the way. Some of our students are in Calculus but get rusty on basic Algebra and Geometry concepts. Some schools try to dissuade students from taking either test early but more schooling has no correlation with getting a great score. Make sure you know what your school’s expectations are before you dive into taking your standardized exams.
How do I prepare for the SAT?
It’s never too soon to start prepping for the SAT or ACT! SAT Preparation Group suggests giving yourself a minimum of two months to prepare, beginning during the summer prior to Junior year when there is minimal school interference and distractions.
How long should I give myself to study for the SAT or ACT?
Some schools will automatically sign up students for the SAT or ACT as well as give them a short prep course. But are you prepared? Do you feel prepared? Most students don’t even know what is happening! Based on our experience, a minimum of two solid months of preparation with the right tools and strategies are a good start.
How can a personal SAT coach help me get my ideal score?
A tutor typically only goes over a set of questions. An SAT coach, on the other hand, guides you through the treacherous path of these tests by providing you with tools, strategies and motivation to do your best. He or she designs a program that is tailored to your specific needs and provides feedback to strengthen your weakest areas . A coach will also instill in you self-confidence and teach you proven techniques to learn to focus, stay alert, energized and keep stress under control.
How many times should I take the SAT or ACT?
The truth is that the vast majority of colleges really don’t care how many times a student takes the SAT or ACT. Colleges are accepting the best composite score over multiple tests for both the SAT and ACT. The bottom line is that our students take an average of about 3 SATs and 2 ACTs.
What does my SAT/ACT score mean?
Think of the SAT or ACT score as a “foot in the door” to the colleges. These scores are very meaningful to schools and weigh heavily in their admission’s decision, so the higher the score, the better.
How do colleges super score tests?
Most colleges combine the reading and writing scores, even from separate tests, by averaging the scores and then adding this average to the best math score.
Why are standardized tests like the SAT and ACT so difficult?
Because of the constant conditioning of the overly academic school method of memorize and forget, students fall through the cracks. The test writers cleverly utilize a variety of deceptions that students are largely unaware of. This puts students at a severe disadvantage in terms of a score success on their own.
What study guides do you recommend?
We like to say that the best books to use for SAT and ACT preparation are those written by the actual test makers. Go to the source: The Official College Board SAT Study Guide and The Real ACT Study Guide.